Sunday, July 7, 2024

Teacher's Day Off: Balancing Responsibilities and Relaxation

Today, being a Saturday, was my holiday. However, as an ESL teacher, my thoughts often circle back to my students and their progress. The day started with me thinking about the upcoming appointments on Sunday and Monday, where I'll be advising my students on their course choices for the next semester.

Managing Student Appointments

First, I rechecked my emails to confirm the appointment times. Some students replied, requesting different schedules, leading to some overlapping times. This required me to reschedule their appointments and send out new times for their approval. Throughout the day, I kept checking and reshuffling the appointments based on their responses. By the evening, I managed to finalize 22 out of 33 time schedules. For the remaining students who didn't reply, I plan to visit their classes directly to inform them about the need to take an appointment. This is essential as we need to discuss the next semester's courses and gather their opinions, which will hopefully boost their enthusiasm for the current semester's progress.

Handling Unchecked Papers

In addition to managing appointments, I also sorted out some unchecked papers and prepared answer sheets. I'll be ready to check them tomorrow morning. My teaching assistant had several questions regarding the MCQs of my students, so I spent a significant amount of time answering her queries thoroughly to ensure she doesn't face any trouble.

Teacher's Day Off: Balancing Responsibilities and Relaxationt

A few days ago, I decided to cultivate a reading habit by reading one or two pages daily. Today, I completed two pages of a Bengali translated book titled "The History of the English Language" by Brizid Baini, translated by G. H. Habib. I discovered some fascinating details:

- There are four sub-deviations of Old English, which I found very interesting.

- The Anglo-Saxon people didn't adopt Celtic words, yet many old English rivers and cities have names derived from Celtic words.

- There are also many commonly used words that actually come from Latin.

- The Anglo-Saxon people used Rune alphabets for writing, which is quite intriguing.

- In 597 AD, Augustine and 40 priests came from Rome to Britain to teach Christianity to the people of England.

It's a small step, but it feels good to make progress and enjoy some personal time with a good book.

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