Tuesday, August 20, 2019

Do you know all of your students' names in the classroom? | Classroom Management

Do you know all of your students' names in the classroom? Yes, it's very important for classroom management. It helps to build your rapport in the classroom. Calling by the names of your students makes awareness in them and feel them special.
Do you know all of your students' names in the classroom? Yes, it's very important for classroom management. It helps to build your rapport in the classroom. Calling by the names of your students makes awareness in them and feel them special. If anyone doesn't know your name in a place it's kind of awkward and uncomfortable for you.
To get control over your students ‘Knowing and using your students' names’ is a super simple and super effective technique. Whatever the student size is it’s very important to know your students’ names and use them in your classroom. Rita Pierson says, “..... kids don't learn from people they don't like”. If you think about our Bangladeshi educational institutions you may get the common scenario for our educators that they are not willing to know all of their students’ names. Most of the cases, the seniors don’t give the importance to tell the juniors to know their students’ names on their very first day. As a result, a large number of students get demotivated by their lessons in the classrooms.
If you know your students’ name and use them you may get a feeling of -
1) belonging 2)important 3) recognized in the classroom 4) positive comfort level engagement 5) build a positive relationship.
We need to be likable and we need the kids to know that we like them. Suppose, a student is talking to his/her classmate during the lesson. If you call him/her according to his/her dress-up or outlook instead of his/her name it will not work well mostly. If you call by his/her name it will be more effective and it will create a space in his/her brain about your presence in the classroom. It helps you get to engage the students in your lesson soon without wasting of time. In the school premises, using the students’ names will make special respect about yourself in their hearts and build a good rapport. In my 5 years of teaching life, I have faced several consequences on the schools’ premises from my beloved students. For example, a group of students was fighting together. I called some students by their names to know what was happening there. As a result, I could take control of the situation. On the other hand, a student from a different class ( I didn’t know) suddenly made a grimace to me and had seen by other students on the floor. Due to not knowing the student’s name, I couldn’t handle the situation instantly which inspired other students to do the same thing to me or other teachers.
***Now, the question is how to know all of the students’ names? ( Read it in my next blog) . Your opinions are always welcome. Together we can be rich in our skills.***
