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I'm Md Ariful Hasan

An educator and researcher

Prospective PhD Candidate
  • Age 37
  • Address F4, University of Creative Technology, Chittagong, BD-4212
  • E-mail arif692926@gmail.com
  • Phone +8801911692926
  • Teaching from 01 December, 2010
  • On Vacation N/A

Md Ariful Hasan is an English Language and Literature teacher. He has done his CELTA course at Cambridge University in 2018. Before that, Mr Hasan did his Bachelor and Masters in English from Jagannath University. Currently, he is pursuing his second Masters in English Language Teaching at Kathmandu University. Md Ariful Hasan is an alumnus of the US Dept International Exchange Programme. At present, he is working for the University of Creative Technology Chittagong and skillUP Centre.

From the Blog

Tuesday, September 24, 2024

How words are counted in an essay

It's important to count the words while you are writing an essay or a summary in your academic writing. Here are ways we can follow to count the words:

  1. Numbers, dates, and time are counted as individual words. For instance, 15,000 = one word. 7:45 PM = one word. 23/11/2023 = one word. The phrase “two hundred thousand” counts as three words in essay writing. In some cases, numbers like 15,000 may be treated as one word, while a phrase like “two hundred thousand” counts for each component.
  2. Dates written using both words and numbers are counted separately. For example, “5th August” is counted as one number and one word. In writing, both components are treated as individual words.
  3. Symbols with numbers are not included in the word count. For instance, 25% = one number, and the symbol "%" is not counted. If you write "25 percent," it counts as two words: one for the number and one for the word "percent."
  4. Small words such as "of" or "the" are included in the word count. Prepositions and articles like “in,” “to,” and “an” are counted the same as larger words. Every word, no matter how short, is included.
  5. Hyphenated words like "well-known" are treated as one word.
  6. Compound nouns written as one word are also counted as one word. For instance, "sunlight" is counted as one word.
  7. Compound nouns written as two separate words are counted individually. For example, "coffee shop" counts as two words.
  8. All words, including those in parentheses, are counted. For example, in writing, if you include "(important)," both the word "important" and the parentheses are considered part of the text.
  9. Contractions are counted based on their expanded forms. For example, "don't" counts as two words: "do not."
  10. Different contractions are counted based on their meaning. For example, "she's" could mean “she is” (two words) or “she has” (also two words), and it is treated accordingly.

Friday, July 12, 2024

A Productive Thursday: Balancing Administrative Tasks and Personal Goals

Date: 11th July 2024

Morning Routine and University Journey

I started my day by waking up at 6:30 AM. After brushing my teeth, I initially planned to make some noodles for breakfast but decided to head to the university first. I took a shower, prepared myself, and caught the 8:45 AM van to the university. Upon arriving, I had breakfast in the campus canteen, enjoying naan roti with some dal and an egg. Unfortunately, I missed out on the bananas since I arrived just as breakfast was ending.

Administrative Tasks and Paper Checking

Without any classes scheduled for Thursday, my primary focus was to finalize and submit the course choices for next semester to the head advisor. I spent the morning meticulously cross-checking these forms and checking some papers intermittently.

Lunch Break and Continued Work

Around lunchtime, I took a break and had a nice conversation with my colleagues. We discussed various personal matters and offered each other advice, which was a refreshing change. It’s always good to have friendly colleagues to share thoughts with, especially when living alone.

After lunch, I resumed my work, finishing the review of the course choice forms and submitting them to the head advisor. With my main task completed, I decided to return to my hostel as concentrating at the university was still challenging.

Exam Paper Grading and Google Classroom Updates

Back at the hostel, I focused on grading exam papers. I successfully graded four bundles of papers and updated the marks on Google Classroom. This task, though time-consuming, was satisfying as it allowed me to track student progress effectively.

Evening Bicycle Ride

After dinner, which I enjoyed with my colleagues while continuing our earlier discussions, I went for a bicycle ride. The ride lasted about two and a half hours, covering 40 kilometers. Despite the traffic jams and muddy roads, I maintained an average speed of around 18 kilometers per hour. The ride was invigorating and a perfect way to unwind after a busy day.

End of the Day

By the time I returned, it was the middle of the night. Without much thought, I prepared for bed and quickly fell asleep, ending a productive and balanced day.

Balancing Administrative Responsibilities and Personal Well-being

As an ESL teacher, balancing administrative tasks, grading, and personal activities is crucial for maintaining productivity and well-being. Starting the day with a proper breakfast, even if it’s last minute, and engaging in meaningful conversations with colleagues can significantly enhance one's day. Efficiently managing and completing administrative duties, such as course form submissions, alongside grading tasks ensures that academic responsibilities are met effectively.

Incorporating Exercise for Mental and Physical Health

Incorporating regular exercise, like my evening bicycle ride, is essential for both mental and physical health. Despite the challenges of traffic and road conditions, maintaining a consistent exercise routine helps in managing stress and improving overall well-being.

Fostering Professional and Personal Connections

Building and maintaining professional and personal connections with colleagues provide a support system, especially when living alone. Sharing experiences and offering mutual advice during meals can foster a sense of community and improve job satisfaction.

Thursday, July 11, 2024

A Productive Wednesday in the Life of an ESL Teacher

Morning Routine and Preparation

Today began early at 7:30 AM, ensuring I had ample time to prepare for a busy day ahead. A refreshing shower and careful outfit selection set the tone for a productive day. By 8:45 AM, I was ready and waiting for the van to take me to the university.

Administrative Tasks and ERP System Update

Upon arriving at the university, I dived straight into administrative tasks, including checking papers and completing enrollment forms for new students. A significant part of the morning was dedicated to a meeting about a new feature added to our ERP system. Despite having familiarized myself with the update, the meeting provided valuable insights. However, I noticed that some previously entered data had been removed due to the system upgrade. I promptly informed my teaching assistant, who re-entered the data efficiently, ensuring everything was back on track.

Student Interactions and Clarifications

After the meeting, I returned to my desk to continue checking papers. A Level 4 student, who had been absent, submitted her summer writing assignment. Additionally, a student I had been trying to reach for days came by. We clarified all the necessary details for the next semester's courses, resolving any lingering confusion.

Lunch Break and Colleague Interaction

The lunch break with colleagues was a pleasant interlude, providing an opportunity to relax and share a few laughs. Such moments are essential for maintaining a positive work environment and fostering good relationships among colleagues.

Afternoon Classes: Level 5 and Level 4

The afternoon was dedicated to teaching. The Level 5 reading and writing class focused on cause and effect essays. Initially, the students were a bit confused, but with guidance, they soon grasped the concept. I assigned them to download a relevant paper and prepare for writing their first draft in the next class. We also reviewed common grammatical mistakes to avoid in their writing.

In the Level 4 class, I introduced a video task, which the students found engaging and enjoyable. We began a new reading task on virtual immortality and mystical places, incorporating fascinating videos on Greek mythology and other mystical themes. The students were captivated by these topics. I assigned five weekly reading tasks to ensure consistent practice and manageable workload.

End of the Day and Personal Time

After finishing the classes, I packed up and took a rickshaw home. The day concluded with a relaxing dinner outside with a colleague, where we discussed the day’s events and shared personal interests.


Reflecting on today, it was a day of balancing administrative responsibilities, engaging with students, and implementing effective teaching methods. Each day as an ESL teacher brings new challenges and opportunities to connect with my students and colleagues, making my role both demanding and rewarding.

Wednesday, July 10, 2024

A Busy Tuesday: Balancing Grading, Consultations, and Student Guidance

Date: 9th July 2024

Morning Routine and University Journey

I started my day by waking up at 6:30 AM. After getting ready, I prepared breakfast, cooking some noodles with eggs. I planned to catch the van at 7:30 AM but ended up taking the 7:45 AM van to the university.

Prioritizing Grading and Exam Preparation

Upon arriving at the university, I began my work by checking the summary writing papers of my Level 4 students. Given the importance of providing timely feedback, I prioritized these papers since I am planning to hold an exam on summary writing on Sunday. My goal is to check all the papers by Wednesday so I can give feedback on Thursday. If not possible, I will provide feedback on Sunday and then conduct the exam on Monday.

Student Consultations and Course Modifications

Throughout the day, several students visited me to modify their courses for the next semester. Additionally, a few students came for consultations about their course selections. I had discussions with two or three students today, addressing their concerns and providing guidance.

One student was struggling with listening and speaking skills, while another was confused about how to improve their writing. Although it’s not my duty as an advisor to teach these courses, I decided to use my experience to guide them. I provided them with helpful tips and advice, and they seemed pleased with the guidance.

Administrative Tasks and Clarifications

After talking to the students, I realized I needed to submit some forms to the head of the advisors for next semester’s course choices. I took photocopies of the forms and asked the head for clarifications. This helped ensure everything was correctly filled out.

Class Preparations and Teaching

I then prepared for my classes. With Level 5, I focused on cause and effect essays. I started with a warm-up activity where students wrote causes and facts related to their topics. I checked their work and provided feedback during the class.

For Level 4, we had a new reading session about different festivals, which went well. I also asked the students to watch a video about lie detectors, which they found very interesting. Some students asked about their graded papers, and I explained that they would see them next week since grading essays takes time.

Evening Routine and Reflection

After finishing my classes at 6:30 PM, I packed up and headed home. The day was quite stressful due to the workload and the additional administrative tasks as an advisor. Now, it’s late at night, and I’m about to sleep, reflecting on a productive but tiring day.

Balancing Grading and Providing Timely Feedback

As an ESL teacher, providing timely feedback on student work is crucial. Prioritizing grading ensures that students receive constructive comments that can help them improve their writing skills. This approach is especially important when preparing students for upcoming exams.

Effective Student Consultations

Student consultations are an essential part of my role as an advisor. Addressing student concerns and providing guidance on course selections can significantly impact their academic success. Using my experience to help students with their specific issues, even beyond my advisory duties, ensures they receive comprehensive support.

Administrative Efficiency

Completing administrative tasks accurately is vital for smooth course registration and planning. Ensuring that forms are correctly filled out and submitting them on time helps avoid any delays in the process.

Engaging Classroom Activities

Incorporating interactive activities and relevant content in the classroom keeps students engaged and enhances their learning experience. Teaching cause and effect essays and using multimedia resources, like videos, can make lessons more interesting and relatable for students.

Tuesday, July 9, 2024

A Day in the Life of an Experienced ESL Teacher: Balancing Counseling, Classes, and Personal Time

Date: 8th July 2024

Morning Routine and University Journey

My day began early at 6:30 AM. After preparing breakfast, I started my journey to the university at 9:30 AM. Upon arriving at my office desk, I immediately began my work, starting with consultations with my advisors.

Student Consultations and Course Guidance

I had consultations with around 8 students, providing guidance for their next semester course choices. Some advisees were struggling, so I shared insights from my 15+ years of experience as an ESL teacher. While these consultations were supposed to be just 10 minutes each, some extended to 30-40 minutes. Many students are new to the university and unfamiliar with the GPA system, which differs significantly from Bangladeshi and other curricula. I explained the GPA system and offered strategies for excelling in their courses. I also encouraged them to meet their instructors for tailored advice, as they have been observing the students' progress over the past two months.

Productive Classroom Activities

Following the consultations, I conducted three classes for Level 4 and Level 5 students, focusing on reading and writing courses.

Level 5 Class: We discussed cause and effect essays and worked on activities from the textbook. The students began writing their cause and effect essays using textbook examples. I expect it will take two or three days to complete these essays, as I want my students to grasp the material thoroughly and improve their writing skills.

Level 4 Class: The focus was on summary writing. I assisted students with their summary outlines before they began writing. After they finished, I collected their papers. With a pile of papers to review, I anticipate the next two or three days will be quite busy.

Evening Routine and Rest

After returning home, I had dinner in the dining hall. Exhausted from the day, I decided to go to bed early to rest and recharge for the upcoming days.

Reflections on the Day

Balancing professional responsibilities with self-care is crucial for any teacher. Today’s experiences, from student interactions to teaching engaging classes, reminded me of the importance of this balance. Whether it's guiding students, preparing for classes, or taking time for oneself, each aspect contributes to a fulfilling teaching career.

Monday, July 8, 2024

A Day in the Life of an ESL Teacher: Balancing Counseling, Classes, and Personal Time

Today was a busy and fulfilling Sunday for me as an ESL teacher. My day was filled with student counseling sessions, engaging classes, and a bit of personal time for exercise. Here’s a glimpse into my day, which might resonate with fellow educators and those interested in the life of a teacher.

Morning Counseling Sessions

My day began with a series of counseling sessions. Out of 34 scheduled appointments, I managed to counsel 14 students in the morning. These sessions focused primarily on course selection for the next semester. We discussed their study progress and any issues they were facing. This interaction was enlightening as it allowed me to measure the effectiveness of my teaching style and the progress of my courses. The students shared valuable feedback, making these sessions very interesting and insightful.

Productive Classroom Activities

Following the counseling sessions, I conducted three classes for Level 4 and Level 5 students, focusing on reading and writing courses.

Level 5 Class: We discussed a reading passage and then tackled some multiple-choice questions (MCQs), one of which related to cause and effect. This led to a brief discussion on cause and effect essays, which engaged the students effectively.

Level 4 Class: The focus was on summary writing activities. I had re-modified materials from the last semester to create more effective teaching resources. This approach proved successful as my students connected well with the material, understanding the key points needed for summarizing. I asked them to come prepared with an outline for the next class.

Evening Activities and Personal Time

In the evening, as I returned to my hostel, I prepared materials for the next day. I decided to take a break and went for a bicycle ride, something I hadn't done in a long time. The ride was refreshing, and I enjoyed the scenic view of the river from a bridge under the moonlight. Although I was tired and couldn’t read the storybook I had planned to, I acknowledged that it was okay to rest and recharge.

Reflections on the Day

Balancing professional responsibilities with self-care is crucial for any teacher. Today’s experiences, from student interactions to personal time, reminded me of the importance of this balance. Whether it's engaging with students, preparing for classes, or taking time for oneself, each aspect contributes to a fulfilling teaching career.

Sunday, July 7, 2024

Teacher's Day Off: Balancing Responsibilities and Relaxation

Today, being a Saturday, was my holiday. However, as an ESL teacher, my thoughts often circle back to my students and their progress. The day started with me thinking about the upcoming appointments on Sunday and Monday, where I'll be advising my students on their course choices for the next semester.

Managing Student Appointments

First, I rechecked my emails to confirm the appointment times. Some students replied, requesting different schedules, leading to some overlapping times. This required me to reschedule their appointments and send out new times for their approval. Throughout the day, I kept checking and reshuffling the appointments based on their responses. By the evening, I managed to finalize 22 out of 33 time schedules. For the remaining students who didn't reply, I plan to visit their classes directly to inform them about the need to take an appointment. This is essential as we need to discuss the next semester's courses and gather their opinions, which will hopefully boost their enthusiasm for the current semester's progress.

Handling Unchecked Papers

In addition to managing appointments, I also sorted out some unchecked papers and prepared answer sheets. I'll be ready to check them tomorrow morning. My teaching assistant had several questions regarding the MCQs of my students, so I spent a significant amount of time answering her queries thoroughly to ensure she doesn't face any trouble.

Teacher's Day Off: Balancing Responsibilities and Relaxationt

A few days ago, I decided to cultivate a reading habit by reading one or two pages daily. Today, I completed two pages of a Bengali translated book titled "The History of the English Language" by Brizid Baini, translated by G. H. Habib. I discovered some fascinating details:

- There are four sub-deviations of Old English, which I found very interesting.

- The Anglo-Saxon people didn't adopt Celtic words, yet many old English rivers and cities have names derived from Celtic words.

- There are also many commonly used words that actually come from Latin.

- The Anglo-Saxon people used Rune alphabets for writing, which is quite intriguing.

- In 597 AD, Augustine and 40 priests came from Rome to Britain to teach Christianity to the people of England.

It's a small step, but it feels good to make progress and enjoy some personal time with a good book.

My offers

৳3500 Online Spoken English
  • 24 Classes
  • Per week 2 Classes
* Great for beginners!
৳1500 Academic Assignments (upto 1500 words)
  • Complete documentation
  • Plagiarism free
  • Proper citation
* Most popular!
৳15,000 Online Spoken English
  • One to one
  • 24 Classes
  • Per week 2 classes
  • Anytime support

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  • F4, Department of English Language and Literature, University of Creative Technology Chittagong, Bahardharhat, Bangladesh
  • +8801911692926, ++88-031-2555721-24 (Ext 420)
  • arif692926@gmail.com, arif692926@uctc.edu.bd
  • https://www.uctc.edu.bd/ell/profile/2003001